Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not Cheap As In The Quality Of The Item But Cheap As The Price Of The Item

Category: Finance.

Not cheap as in the quality of the item but cheap as the price of the item. Call it whatever you want.

In today s world, most people want to get the most out of their money and it is by the actions people take, this theory is proven countless times. Sales, discounts, coupons, rebates. Proof for this is when a big anticipated sale occurs such as the Black Friday people will go drastic measures to get the best deal for their money. They are all designed for the consumer to save money because businesses know that people want a good deal when it comes to something that is directly related to a person s standard of living is involved. They will wait in line the day before and even go as far as to having their Thanksgiving meal while waiting in line of the larger more popular retail stores. Thousands of pounds of paper are used daily to print coupons and list sales of items from various businesses. Another proof for this is the coupons that come with your mail everyday.

Sales are marketing gimmick for companies to have a consumer believe contradicting statements such as the" Buy more, spend less" slogan to have a consumer buy more of their products. However if you think about this logically the consumer is actually spending a lot more money than the consumer may have originally have spent if there was no sale. But how this really works is that when you buy one item every consecutive item is cheaper than the previous purchase. Another marketing gimmick for companies for consumers to buy their products is through coupons. How this is still profitable for businesses is that it may give a discount but going to that store to just buy that item is usually unlikely so the consumer may buy other products as well. Be it the ones you get in your mail or from the ones form the internet, they both give you a discount or some kind of service as long as you meet the conditions of what is required for you to receive the discount.

But for items that are extremely expensive, using a coupon to buy just one item but because of how expensive the item originally was, cutting the price by one hundred to even one thousand dollars can still mean a profit for the business. Two of the most common types of rebates are the in- store rebate and the mail- in rebate. A third marketing gimmick that businesses use is rebates. The in- store rebate is usually done by giving the customer in advanced a certain amount of store credit so the customer buys the item at a reduced price. How a mail- in rebate works is that the consumer buys the item at full price but mails a copy of the receipt, a copy of the UPC barcode, and a filled rebate form to the specified location provided by the store to receive a check for however much the rebate is for.


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